Translater Shpresa Qatipi, Piro Tanku


Directed by Adonis Filipi

Set designer    Genci Shkodrani
Costumes designer   Anila Zajmi-Katanolli
Music   Armand Broshka,
Scenic Movement  Giorgia Maddamma
As.movement   Scenic Sara Bizzoga
Clarinet   Fatos Qerimi
As. Directed   Andon Koco / Piro Tanku

Indrit Cobani

Ermira Hysaj Çerkozi,
Kristaq Skrami

Bujar Asqeriu,

Yllka Mujo

Vasian Lami

Dritan Borici

Neritan Liçaj

Vin Bejleri

Ahmet Pasha

Fatos Sela

Naun Shundi

Gjergj Mena

Sokol Angjeli

Arben Derhemi,
Mehdi Malkaj

Roland Saro

Marsela Lena,

Fadil Kujovska , Mariana Kondi, Gladiaola Bejleri , Florian Kokona, Anyl Frasheri

This show went exceptionally well. They told the story with such clarity and vision, performing in front of the audience in a precise and flawless acting, yet simple that the spectators understood that moment in the history and politics of England very clearly.

The concept of blending the Albanian history with today’s thoughts on Albania’s life and politics, and a thorough understanding of the English history, is an equilibrium that is hard to achieve and I believe the play succeeded in doing so perfectly.

Dominic Dromgoole

Artistic Director, Shakespeare’s Festival Globe to Globe

I thank the director for the wonderful play and I think it displayed not only many hypocrisies of the English medieval politics, but also hypocrisies of politics worldwide. It was one of the most beautiful presentations.

Tom Bird

Director, Shakespeare’s Festival Globe to Globe